
Metamask: Not able to transfer my ETH from the Smart Contract to an User Account while using Truffle or ReactJS with Web3

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Metamask issues: Unable to transfer ETH from smart contract to user account using Truffle and ReactJS

I recently ran into a problem trying to transfer Ethereum (ETH) from a smart contract to a user account using Truffle and ReactJS. The problem is how Metamask processes transactions between the smart contract and the user’s wallet.


In my Solidity code, I’m asking to use the TransferETH' function provided by Truffle to transfer ETH from an Ethereum address stored in a smart contract store to a user account. However, when trying to perform this transaction using ReactJS, Metamask encounters problems and cannot complete the transfer.


To solve this problem, we need to useeth_sendTransactionfunction from Truffle instead ofTransferETH. The latter option has been deprecated in favor ofeth_sendTransaction, which provides more control over the flow of transactions. Here's an updated version of my Solidity code that uses these changes:

pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

contract MySmartContract {

// Define a mapping to store user account addresses and their corresponding ETH balances.

display(address => uint256) public user balances;

function donateETH(recipient address, uint256 amount) public payment {

require(amount > 0, "Invalid amount");

// Store the donation amount in the contract storage.

userBalances[recipient] = userBalances[recipient].add(amount);

// Send the donated ETH to the recipient address using theeth_sendTransactionfunction.



function transferETH(address recipient) public {

require(userBalances[msg.sender] >= 1 ether, "Insufficient balance");

// Create a transaction object using the Truffleeth_sendTransactionfunction.

Transaction memory transaction = Transaction(

message sender,






// Sign the transaction with our private key, and then broadcast it to the network.

require(tx.signatures[0].from != "", "No signatures");

required(tx.hash, true);




Using Truffle and ReactJS:

To use this updated contract in your ReactJS application, you need to install the truffle’ library and configure the Truffle provider. Here’s an example of how to create a new project using Truffle:

npm init truffle -y

npx truffle initialization

Create a new file named my_contract.sol, copy the above Solidity code into it, and then create a new directory structure:








Then, in your ReactJS application, you can use the TruffleProvider component from @truffle/core to connect to your Truffle provider and interact with your smart contract:


import React, {useEffect} from ‘react’;

import { Supplier } from ‘truffle-provider’;

import Web3 from ‘web3’;

constant Application = () => {

const web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum);

useEffect(() => {

if (window.etherium) {

web3.currentProvider.connect().then((account) => {

// Use account address to transfer ETH to user accounts.


from: ‘0x’, // Your contract address

to: ‘0x’, // User’s wallet address

value: 1 ether, // Transfer amount

gasPrice: web3.utils.toWei(’20’, ‘gwei’) // Gas price


}).catch((error) => {




}, []);

return (

<Provider provider={web3.

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