
Bitcoin: (Programming Q) Generating receive addresses from p2wsh multi-sig script?

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Generation of reception addresses of the P2Wash Multi-Sig

====================================== ==== = ===

As Bitcoin’s understanding and its underlying protocols deepen, it is essential to explore the mechanisms used by wallets to the safe transactions of the facilities. A critical aspect is to generate reception addresses, which are necessary to receive funds from other users.

In this article, we will examine how to generate directorates of a P2Wash Multi-Sig script in Python.



  • Familiarity with the basic concepts of Bitcoin and the P2Wash protocol

  • A basic understanding of programming concepts

Multiple P2Wash Multiple Script


A P2Wash Multi-Sig script is a type of wallet that allows safe multiple signature transactions. Here is an example of how it could be implemented:


Import hashlibri

Import Bincii


Bitcoin: (Programming Q) Generating receive addresses from p2wsh multi-sig script?

Define constants for the hash blockchain and the parameters of derivation of the firm

Blockchain_hash = "your_blockchain_hash_here"

Sigderivationparameter = 3

Def derive_signature (p, r, s):

"" "A signature derives using the public key" "

Return (hexlify (p) .decode () + hashlib.sha256 (b "s" .encode ()). Digest (). Hex ()) % 1000000

Def p2wpub_script (p, sig, r, s, n):

"" "Generate the multiple P2Wash Multiple" "" "" "

Return bech32.decode_p2wsh_Script (

f "1. {sig}. {r}. {s}. {n}",

[Hexlify (P) .Decode (), hashlib.sha256 (B "s" .encode ()).


Def Main () ::

Derive the public key, the firm and the random number

P = Derive_Signature ("Your_public_Key_here", 0x12, 0x34)

R = Derive_Signature (P, 1, 2)

S = Derive_Signature (R, 3, 4)

N = Derive_Signature (S, 5, 6)

Generate multiple P2Wash script

script = P2WPUB_Script (P, None, R, S, N)

Print the generated script

Print (script.decode ("UTF-8"))

Yes __name__ == "__main__":

Major ()



A reception address is a unique identifier that can be used to receive funds from other users. In the context of P2Wash, reception addresses are generally derived using a similar process.

TheP2WPUB_Scriptfunction generates a multiple P2Wash script, which includes the public key, the firm, the random number and the non -random parameters (R, S, N). To generate addresses to this script, we need to derive a unique identifier that is not present in the script.

Here is an updated version of the code:

` Python

Import hashlibri

Import Bincii

Define constants for the hash blockchain and the parameters of derivation of the firm

Blockchain_hash = “your_blockchain_hash_here”

Sigderivationparameter = 3

Def derive_signature (p, r, s):

“” “A signature derives using the public key” “

Return (hexlify (p) .decode () + hashlib.sha256 (b “s” .encode ()). Digest (). Hex ()) % 1000000

Def p2wpub_script (p, sig, r, s, n):

“” “Generate the multiple P2Wash Multiple” “” “” “

Return bech32.decode_p2wsh_Script (

f “1. {sig}. {r}. {s}. {n}”,

[Hexlify (P) .Decode (), hashlib.sha256 (B “s” .encode ()).


Def derive_receive_address (script, script_hash):

“” “Derive a reception address of the P2Wash Multi-Sig” “” “” “

Remove the non -random parameters (R, S, N) and the hash

R, S, N = Extract_parameters (script)

Derive a unique identifier using SHA-256

Id = Hasiblib.sha256 (R + S + N.encode ()).

Return f “2. {Id.hex () {blockchain_hash}”

Def extract_parameters (script):

“” Extract the non -random parameters (R, S, N) and the hash of the script “” “”

Remove the signature, random number and non -random parameters

R, S = Extract_Signature (script)

Id = Hasiblib.sha256 (R + S.encode ()).

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